
Differences between EdD and PhD

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Most people have heard of a PhD before. It’s fairly common knowledge that a PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, is a doctorate in a specific field of study. But there are more than just PhDs at the doctoral level! There’s also an EdD, which stands for a Doctor of Education. 

What is the difference between the two?

At a fundamental level, a PhD is a research-based degree while an EdD is a practice-based degree. Read on to find out more about both and what what is the difference between a PhD and EdD.

What is a EdD?

An EdD or Doctor of Education, is a practice-based degree. Your primary focus during the degree will be on coursework with a very minute research component. The primary goal of the degree is to take the research you’ve studied and apply it outside of academia. The usual paths for this degree include education, administrative or leadership roles, though it often depends on the concentration of your EdD. 

At Concordia University Chicago, we offer an in-demand organizational leadership specialization. 

What is a PhD?

A PhD is a research-based doctoral degree. These degrees are usually focused on research and writing a dissertation, with the end goal being a career in academia as a professor or researcher.

At Concordia University Chicago, we offer two leadership specializations: organizational leadership and higher education.

EdD v PhD

So now that you know a little bit more about each of these programs, let’s get into the core difference between the two. Essentially, the difference between these degrees is what you want to do when you earn your doctorate. If you want to teach at the collegiate level or do research, go for your PhD. If you want to work in a high-level leadership position at an organization or a university, then earn your EdD. 

Another key difference between the two types of degrees is the length of time it takes until completion. Often, a PhD program takes longer to complete than a EdD because of the intensity of the research and dissertation component. Often, PhD programs take between 5-7 years to complete while an EdD can be completed in 3-5 years. 


CUC EdD and PhD Programs

At Concordia University Chicago, we offer the following leadership doctorate degrees:

Our EdD degrees do require a dissertation but have two fewer research-based classes than the PhD programs. The classes differ between the degrees, though there is some slight overlap. Overall, however, they do prepare you for two different career paths, so ultimately the choice is yours. If you have 17083407664 or email them at



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