
Congratulations & Welcome

to Concordia University Chicago!

Take The Next Step

Please fill out the short form below and someone will contact you shortly to discuss the opportunities at Concordia University Chicago.
By completion and submission of this form, I consent to receive communication from a representative of this institution by phone, text or email regarding the educational program request.

Congratulations on becoming a Concordia-Chicago online student! 

By the end of your journey, you’ll be equipped to drive innovation on a global level. 

Share your exciting news with friends and family in your email, on LinkedIn, and other social media by downloading your badge below. We even wrote a little something for you to share along with it:  

I am now a Concordia University Chicago online student and I couldn’t be prouder. If you’d also like to start your journey at Concordia-Chicgo, visit #CUChicago

Graduate Student Badge

Doctorate Student Badge

Refer A Friend to Concordia-Chicago

If you know of someone who is interested in pursuing an online degree, please share their contact information with us. For helping us spread the word, both you and the individual(s) you refer will receive a $50 Amazon gift card as a thank you from Concordia-Chicago!*

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*Note: Students must register for, enroll in, and attend classes through the add/drop period to receive gift card.

To download your badge now, follow these quick instructions:

  1. Right click the image above.
  2. Click “Save Linked File As…”
  3. Name your file, hit Save and it’s yours!

Request Info!

Please fill out the short form below and someone will contact you shortly to discuss the opportunities at Concordia University Chicago.

By completion and submission of this form, I consent to receive communication from a representative of this institution by phone, text or email regarding the educational program request.


Request Info!

Please fill out the short form below and someone will contact you shortly to discuss the opportunities at Concordia University Chicago.

By completion and submission of this form, I consent to receive communication from a representative of this institution by phone, text or email regarding the educational program request.

Our Programs

Highly Rated!

Our Mission

Steadfast in Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, Concordia University Chicago promotes academic rigor in its liberal arts and professional programs; grounds students in objective truth, integrity, and excellence; and practices faithfulness to the Confessional teachings of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, as it forms students for vocations in church, family, and the world.

If you would like more information about Concordia-Chicago’s mission, values or values, please click here.

For more on Concordia-Chicago’s on-campus programs, visit here.